Thesis defence Charlotte Willems

17 March 2016

On February 24, 2016 Charlotte Willems successfully defended her thesis Individual differences in temporal selective attention for a commission of established researchers.

Charlotte Willems

Individual differences in attention in time

Every moment of the day our visual system is plagued with large amounts of information. Using our attention system, however, we make seemingly effortless, continuous distinction between information that is relevant to us and information that is irrelevant at that time.

As good as possible, relevant information is incorporated to a level of consciousness, while irrelevant information is largely rejected as soon as it is no longer necessary. This implies that virtually all information which we eventually become aware of, has been selected on the basis of our attention system in space or time.

In the case of selection of information in time we speak about temporal and selective focus in this thesis she investigated ​​how this temporal selective focus system works.

After her PhD Charlotte started to work at Ordina as a Junior Buisness Consultant.


Her thesis can be found here.

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