Transport and stay


Travelling by airplane

The three closest airports to the city of Groningen are Groningen airport, Amsterdam Schiphol airport and Bremen airport. From Amsterdam airport, direct train services to Groningen are available. From Bremen airport a direct bus connection to Groningen is available. The trip to Groningen takes approximately 2.5 hours from both airports. Groningen airport is limited in it’s destinations so please check their website.

Travelling by train

International trains from Germany or France and Belgium travel to the Netherlands daily. If you travel by international train you can transfer to a direct train to Groningen in Rotterdam or Utrecht. The direct train to Groningen from Rotterdam departs throughout the day at 5 minutes past the hour. The one from Utrecht departs at 48 minutes past the hour.

From Schiphol airport, trains leave for Groningen twice per hour. There is a direct train every 3 minutes past the hour and a train requiring a transfer at Zwolle leaving 33 minutes past the hour. Travel time is approx. 2h15min.

It is not necessary to buy train tickets in advance. Train tickets can be bought at self-service ticket machines or ticket offices at the airport by cash, credit card or debit card. We strongly recommend buying single tickets to Groningen; return tickets are valid for one day only. Single tickets to Groningen are 25,70 euro. More information check de website of the Nederlandse Spoorwegen

Transport: The UMCG is located in the center of Groningen. It can easily be reached by car and by public transportation. If you travel by public transportation, please take city bus 5 and 7 (UMCG) from the Central Station. If you travel by car, please follow the sign postings along the highway to the UMCG. This will lead you to the car park below the UMCG reception hall (do not take the northern UMCG car park). More information: Qbuzz

Location: From the main entrance of the UMCG (address: Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ, Groningen), the route to the ‘Rode Zaal’ will be signposted.


The City of Groningen offers a variety of hotels located in the city centre and close to the UMCG.

We have good experiences with NH-Hotels and The Student Hotel.


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